Oh, God

Faith is like....

    Jumping off the roof of one building and hoping on making it to the other side.
     Crossing your fingers, hoping that the check paying the light bill doesn't bounce.
      Hoping the one you marry doesn't have anything to hide.
       Sweating cause you hope the cop doesn't check the car cause you're carrying more than an ounce.

       Dreaming of the day that you'll come back, mature, apologetic, and religious.
      Knowing you have zero control and you're hoping for the absolute best.
     When a plate of food looks different but you hope it's delicious. 
    But did you know it's also riding through the worst, something like a strength test. 

In my everyday life...

There's words or different things that pop out to me repeatedly throughout my day.
So with that said, I walk forever in Faith.
 If you're reading this, please fully understand that 
Y o u cannot d e f i n e me nor d e f y me


Karina S. A.